Are you noticing a growing pain toward the back of your mouth? If you are between the ages of 17 and 25, there’s a good chance your wisdom teeth are the source of your discomfort. Whether your third molars are partially erupted or stuck beneath your gums, Dr. Bryan Friedland may recommend wisdom tooth extractions in Pembroke Pines. Call our office today to schedule an appointment if you believe you or a family member could benefit from wisdom tooth removal.
Wisdom teeth are another name for third molars, the last set of teeth that typically erupt during late adolescence or early adulthood. Many millennia ago, early humans relied on wisdom teeth to survive on a coarse diet of nuts, seeds, and plants. These days, wisdom teeth are no longer essential due to softer diets filled with carbohydrates and high-calorie foods as well as advanced preventative dental care. In addition, many people do not have adequate room in their mouths for third molars. As a result, wisdom teeth can become impacted, or fail to erupt, which can cause significant discomfort. Wisdom teeth can also cause damage to nearby healthy teeth if left in place.
Not everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth removed. If your third molars have already grown in straight and do not cause any pain, you may be able to avoid wisdom tooth extraction. However, for most people, removing wisdom teeth can help avoid future oral health problems later down the line. For example, impacted or crowded wisdom teeth can increase the risk of oral hygiene issues, potentially cause jawbone damage, and increase the risk of cysts or tumors forming in the sacs where third molars develop.
You may benefit from wisdom tooth extraction in Pembroke Pines if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
There are two basic methods to remove wisdom teeth. If your third molars have already erupted, Dr. Friedland will use specialized instruments to gently rock each tooth back and forth until it detaches from your gums. Local anesthesia or dental sedation will be utilized to ensure you feel comfortable throughout this procedure.
If your wisdom teeth are impacted, oral surgery will be required to carefully remove each tooth in sections. Dr. Friedland will refer you to a trusted oral surgeon to perform this type of extraction.
After getting your wisdom teeth removed it’s important to return home to rest. Be sure to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home, as the anesthesia will take time to fully dissipate.
You may experience some facial swelling immediately after the procedure. You can alleviate swelling and soreness by holding a cold compress to your face for 20 minutes at a time. You should also take over-the-counter or prescription medication as directed by a dentist in Pembroke Pines.
Keeping your mouth clean by gently brushing and rinsing is important, but be sure to avoid the extraction site. In addition, stick to a liquid diet for the first few days after the extraction procedure before transitioning to soft foods. As you begin to feel less discomfort after a week or so you can you can begin to incorporate other foods into your diet.
Finally, to avoid painful dry socket, do not:
If you have any additional questions or concerns about wisdom tooth removal, do not hesitate to contact our office.
Want to know more about tooth extractions Pembroke Pines? Our experienced team has collected some of the most common questions we hear from patients and answered them below. We hope you find these FAQs informative and helpful. If you have any further questions or want to schedule an extraction, don’t hesitate to contact our office.
Preparing for your tooth extraction is just as important as following all of the aftercare instructions. Before your procedure, be sure to ask your dentist any questions you may have. Common patient questions include what to bring, what to eat the morning of, etc. Dr. Friedland may give you specific instructions to follow, like sticking to just water the morning of or picking up prescription medication. It is also a good idea to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home after your procedure. You will most likely receive local or general anesthesia for your extraction and therefore will be unfit to drive afterward.
Patient comfort is always a top priority. That’s why the first step of every tooth removal, including wisdom tooth extractions in Pembroke Pines, is always the same: numbing your mouth. After your tooth or teeth are removed, you can expect to feel some soreness and discomfort. Following your aftercare instructions to a tee is essential in not only preventing infection but reducing puffiness and promoting healing. If your pain worsens or you begin to exhibit signs of an infection (like a fever), be sure to contact our office right away.
The most important thing you can do to ensure a swift recovery is to focus on resting. Don’t exercise or do anything strenuous for at least 24 hours and do your best to keep your head elevated. Next, make sure to keep the gauze in place as instructed by your dentist. This will help the blood clot form. Do NOT touch the wound with your tongue or hands. Place an icepack or cold compress against the outside of your cheek to reduce any puffiness. It’s important to stay hydrated but do not drink with a straw. The suction from a straw can dislodge the protective blood clot that forms over the extraction site. Stay away from foods and drinks that can cause irritation, like spicy or acidic dishes. Finally, only take the pain medication recommended by Dr. Friedland, an experienced dentist in Pembroke Pines.
Tobacco products like cigars, cigarettes, and even e-cigarettes, can delay healing. Therefore, you should abstain from smoking immediately following a tooth extraction. In general, dentists recommend not smoking for at least five days afterward. However, if you can, you should avoid smoking for two weeks. If you’ve had difficulty quitting in the past, don’t hesitate to let our team know. We aren’t interested in passing judgment – we just want to know so we can help you prepare in advance.