When you have a traditional denture, you’re able to smile with more confidence and eat many more foods compared to having no denture at all. However, there are a fair number of setbacks that can occur, including a denture that slips and shifts out of place when in use. Furthermore, dentures do not offer as many restorative benefits as other tooth replacements, such as dental implants. By combining these treatments together to create an implant denture, our dentists can ensure longevity and functionality that just doesn’t compare to standalone dentures! Call Friedland Family Dentistry of Pembroke Pines today to get started!
Traditional dentures rely on the shape of your mouth and natural suction to stay secure. In the beginning stages of using a denture, store-bought adhesives may also be utilized, but should not be used as a long-term solution. In contrast, implant dentures in Pembroke Pines rely on a series of dental implants placed throughout the mouth to stay in place. The result is a denture that feels far more stable, whether you’re eating certain foods, speaking with friends and family, or performing routine oral hygiene. Nothing provides a more reliable foundation for a restoration than dental implants, whether it’s a denture, bridge or crown.
If you are missing either several teeth on opposite sides of your mouth or you’re missing all teeth in your upper or lower arches, chances are you are eligible for implant dentures! Keep in mind that you do need to have good oral health, healthy gum tissue, and sufficient bone volume before dental implants can be confidently placed. With that said, more and more patients are eligible for dental implants than ever before and our team will do everything possible to maximize the bone tissue you currently have. If you need to have preparatory treatments completed beforehand, we’ll confirm this during your initial exam.
During your consultation, we’ll confirm your eligibility for implant dentures and begin the planning process. This may include removing any existing teeth that need to be extracted and capturing detailed impressions of your mouth so a restoration can be fabricated. On the day of your surgery, we’ll place a series of dental implants throughout your jaw and give them several months of time to heal. Once the implants have integrated with your existing bone and soft tissue, we’ll be able to place your final implant denture and ensure that it feels comfortable and looks natural. We’ll also make any adjustments to your denture as needed.
When you combine your denture with dental implants, the most notable benefit is obtaining a restoration that actually stays in place when performing basic tasks. For example, you can chew with much more confidence since your denture is no longer solely relying on the shape of your mouth to stay in place. Dental implants also stimulate your bone tissue, which means you’ll have a much stronger biting force and be able to eat tougher foods that would normally cause a denture to shift out of place. Regular bone stimulation also means you can retain the natural shape of your jaw, ensuring the best looking esthetics possible for your smile and face overall.
Are you looking into getting implant dentures to replace an arch of missing teeth but still have questions? To help you get the answers you need to make a confident decision on what tooth replacement solution to choose, we’ve compiled some frequently asked questions that we receive from our patients about this procedure. If you don’t get the answers you need below, don’t hesitate to contact us!
One of the benefits of getting implant dentures is their long lifespan compared to traditional dentures, that are known to last for about seven years before they need to be replaced. Implant dentures help maintain your jawbone structure and prevent facial changes, which allow them to continue fitting your mouth perfectly for over 35 years with routine maintenance.
You can choose to get implant dentures that are fixed or removable, depending on your lifestyle and preferences. Fixed ones require more implants because the restoration will need even greater stabilization since they’ll always be in your mouth. These are a popular choice because they look and feel completely natural.
Removable implant dentures require fewer dental implants to be placed and are a better choice for patients who are looking for a less invasive and strenuous treatment but want to enjoy all of the benefits still. Four dental implants will be placed to hold the removable restoration, allowing for the base of the denture to be smaller. Their removable feature makes them easier to clean as well.
Managing implant dentures is much easier than traditional dentures, especially if they’re permanently affixed to your implant posts. All you need to do to get the most out of your replacement teeth is brush, floss, and rinse your mouth like your normally would with your natural teeth. Although your restorations can’t get cavities, it’s still crucial to keep up with your oral hygiene to keep your gums healthy, which are the foundation for your implants.
The cost of implant dentures varies based on a number of factors, such as how many implants you need to have placed and whether you require any preparatory procedures before the surgery can take place. Dr. Friedland will discuss these details with you once our team is able to examine your mouth at your initial consultation.
At Friedland Family Dentistry of Pembroke Pines, we offer several ways to make this process financially manageable, including little to no-interest monthly payment plans through CareCredit. We’re also happy to file dental insurance claims on your behalf and are in-network with several providers.