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Sedation Dentistry – Pembroke Pines, FL

Feel Relaxed During Your Next Visit

Man relaxes at home after sedation dentistry in Pembroke Pines

Do you wish you didn’t always feel so nervous during your dental appointments? Finding it difficult to get even your basic exams and cleanings done and out of the way? Whether you’ve always had trouble visiting the dentist or you had a negative experience with a previous dentist, your oral health shouldn’t have to suffer just because of anxiety. At Friedland Family Dentistry, we make patient comfort a priority. With the help of sedation options provided by Dr. Friedland and our team, you can feel relaxed during your next visit, whether it’s and appointment for a simple dental cleaning or a complex full mouth reconstruction. If you aren’t sure if sedation dentistry in Pembroke Pines is right for you, give our dental office a call!

Why Choose Friedland Family Dentistry For Sedation Dentistry?

Oral Conscious Dental Sedation

Woman holding oral conscious sedation in Pembroke Pines

For moderate to severe levels of anxiety, oral conscious sedation offers relief to those struggling with dental treatments. The sedative is taken by mouth several hours before the treatment actually begins. This means by the time you arrive at the dental office, you’ll be relaxed and ready to receive care. However, you’ll need to have a friend or family member drive you to and from the dental office to ensure your safety.

How Oral Conscious Sedation Works

Closeup of woman taking medication from Pembroke Pines sedation dentist

Oral conscious sedation involves the use of a pill, which you swallow prior to your appointment. Various medications can be used in oral conscious sedation, but they all have a similar effect. They produce a feeling of relaxation and calmness. You might drift off to sleep while you are under the influence of the medication that Dr. Friedland prescribes for you. However, you will not be totally unconscious; it will be easy for us to awaken you with a gentle shake. You will also still be able to respond to questions and directions while our dental team is working to improve your oral health.

The effects of the medications used for oral sedation usually linger for at least a full day, which means that you may feel quite tired after your appointment. You should avoid driving or engaging in other potentially dangerous tasks until the sedation completely wears off.

Benefits of Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation offers numerous benefits such as:

Is Oral Conscious Sedation Right for You?

Patient and dentist discuss candidate for oral conscious sedation in Pembroke Pines

Our team will take a thorough medical history to determine if oral conscious sedation is right for you. It is safe for most patients, but it may not be suitable for individuals with breathing problems, pregnant women, or those who take certain medications. On the other hand, it might be perfect for you if:

Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry

Woman using nitrous oxide sedation in Pembroke Pines

For more mild cases of dental fear or anxiety, nitrous oxide offers quick-acting relief to those with difficultly completing dental treatments. This sedation is inhaled during the process of your treatment, making it easy for Dr. Friedland to control your level of comfort at any moment. With nitrous oxide, the relaxing effects will wear offer within moments of completing your treatment, so you can easily continue the rest of your day without interruption.

How Nitrous Oxide Sedation Works

Man relaxing with laughing gas in Pembroke Pines

Nitrous oxide is a mixture of gases, specifically nitrous and oxygen, designed to be slowly inhaled throughout your dental procedure. To do this, we’ll place a small mask over your nose, which allows a gentle stream of sedative to flow directly into your lungs. As you inhale the sedative, you’ll start to feel a warm and calming sensation envelope your body. Through the course of treatment, you’ll find it much easier to undergo your necessary procedures, whether they be a basic cleaning or placement for a dental crown.

Following the end of treatment, our dentists will make sure to observe your condition following sedation. The effects should only take a few minutes to wear off, making it easy for you to continue your daily activities without interruption. If you had local anesthesia applied prior to treatment, it’s very important that you don’t eat foods until the effects wear off. This will prevent you from accidentally biting your tongue or cheek while you eat.

Am I A Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide Sedation?

Patient and dentist discuss candidate for nitrous oxide sedation in Pembroke Pines

We generally recommend nitrous oxide to those who may struggle to complete basic exams without feeling fear or anxiety. While this is the most common reason we provide sedation, it’s hardly the only time it may be appropriate. For example, if you have large amounts of dental work to complete or you simply struggle to keep still in the dental chair, nitrous oxide is a great way to stay comfortable and calm. If you have a child with special needs or they simply have a sensitive gag reflex, nitrous oxide can make the treatment process much easier as well. We’ll listen to and discuss your needs in more detail when you arrive and our dentists will make sure you fully understand what to expect before beginning any step of your treatment.   

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

Woman smiles confidently thanks to sedation dentistry in Pembroke Pines

Do you still have questions about what sedation dentistry is, who’s a good candidate for it, or how it can help you? Our team always prioritizes your comfort, and we want you to be able to seek the care you need without feeling anxious and overwhelmed doing so. Below, we’ve compiled some of the most common questions that we receive about our sedation dentistry services so you can get the information you need.

How Do I Know What Type of Sedation Is Right for Me?

At Friedland Family Dentistry, we offer both oral conscious and nitrous oxide sedation, which are both great for patients who have mild to moderate anxiety about visiting the dentist. To learn which one is best for you, Dr. Friedland, your sedation dentist in Pembroke Pines, will discuss your medical history with you, address any concerns you have, and we can help you navigate the pros and cons of each of your options.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Sedation?

You don’t just have to be anxious or nervous to need dental sedation. It’s an excellent option for patients who also experience the following issues when visiting their dentist:

How Long Do the Effects of Sedation Dentistry Last?

This depends on what type of dental sedation you receive. Nitrous oxide sedation is a fast-acting method, and the effects leave your system nearly as soon as we remove the mask from your face. Oral conscious sedation has longer-lasting effects that require you to take the day off of work and go home to rest. This is because it takes longer to leave your system since it’s in the form of a pill.

Will Dental Sedation Relieve Pain?

No. Dental sedation doesn’t help relieve your pain, it just helps you feel more relaxed and at-ease in the treatment chair. To relieve pain, you’ll need anesthesia that’s either administered locally or by a trained professional. When used in tandem with each other, anesthesia and sedation can help you have a relaxing and pain-free treatment.

Is Dental Sedation Safe?

Yes! When dental sedation is administered by a trained professional, like Dr. Friedland, it’s completely safe. Our team will be by your side throughout the entire procedure monitoring your heartrate and making sure that you remain comfortable.

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