With Valentine’s Day almost here, more people than ever are thinking about how they can impress a romantic partner. Lots of answers come to mind: hit the gym, start a diet, fix your hair, update your style, and the list goes on.
What you might not know, however, is that surveys have shown that the absolute best thing you could do for your love life would be to take care of your teeth! As it turns out, bad oral health is one of the number one turn-offs for a potential romantic partner. Here’s a little bit more info about these studies, along with what you can do about your oral health.
Survey Says…
In 2020, the dental survey firm DentaVox conducted a poll regarding why people left their partners. The survey found that 68% of people have decided not to date someone because of oral health issues. 57% said they have been turned off by bad breath specifically.
This may come as a surprise to you, but it has been a well-known fact for a while. One famous study conducted by Match.com found that 58% of men and 71% of women said that a good smile is a “must-have” in a partner.
If you’ve been a little unlucky in love, it might be worth considering whether your breath is fresh, and if your smile looks as good as it can.
How to Get a Smile that Will Turn Heads
After reading that, you probably want to make sure that you prevent tooth decay or gum disease from messing up your pearly whites. The best thing you can do day-to-day is to keep up with a good dental hygiene routine. If you aren’t already, make it a point to brush twice a day, floss daily, and use an antiseptic mouthwash to break up plaque deposits.
If your smile needs a little bit more work, cosmetic dentistry is also a great option. Teeth whitening, direct bonding, and even veneers can fix tiny imperfections in your smile. Talk to your dentist— they might give you the edge you need to make an impact this Valentine’s Day.
About the Author
Dr. Bryan Friedland has been practicing dentistry for over a decade, and his favorite thing about his work is that every day is different. He loves the challenge of confronting a new problem and helping a patient discover immaculate oral health. Dr. Friedland received his doctorate from Nova Southeastern University, and he completed a General Practice Residency at Long Island Jewish Hospital in New York.
If you have any questions about how good oral health can affect your love life, he can be reached at his website or by phone at (954) 450-6640.